Sunday, June 23, 2013

29. Monday

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
Finally today is monday. Hari kemalasan, huargh!!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

27. Weekend

Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Haiyak!! My weekend holiday almost end. Tomorrow is monday.
Feeling terrible, huh!
Okeh only that for today. I dont feel to type more. Huh.

Ps: i always feeling moody.

Friday, June 14, 2013

26. Done my Speech.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
Hai peeps, sihat ke tidak?
Hari ni third day kat Uitm.
So far, so good laa. Tak ada banyak masalah. I have good roomates, good classmates and superduper ohsem lecture. I have a good feeling. Woo hooo~
Tadi baru lepas buat public speaking for ice-breaking. So im be the story-teller. Is about Uwais Al-Qorni. Is so excited because that is my first time speaking in public and im the only one story ala-ala giving the tazkirah. Then my Miss sempat puji. Wohoo~ saya suka, saya suka (sila baca dengan gaya meiLing)
After my speech lecture said, well done Ustazah Fatih because giving such a good story. Okeh, sangat terharu okeh. Lagi-lagi when she said "Ustazah", bangga okeh.
Okeh, so saya telah beriktizam wanna do the best. Study harder than before. Yup, i'Allah i will do. Doa' for me. Ni selitkan my picture ohsem Lecturers

Sunday, June 9, 2013

25. Terkurung Dipenjara.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
Hai peeps, hari ni merupakan first class for me for the second sem.
Haila, haila. Bosannya. Dah laa roomates takde dah pegi kelas awal pagi.
My monday class start from 1230. Syok habis tau. So serta-paksa keseorangan.
Dengan L A P A U nya lagi. Memang tak laa nak turun kan. Tingkat 3 pulak tu.
So now i waiting for my first class. So i just breakfast roti kosong. So-pity-of-me. Warghhh.
So kehidupan baru, dikolej baru, classmate baru and roomate baru.
LOL <3